Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Lady in red....

.....Its my birthday soon!!!! Unfortunatley I will be in London away from all my besties and boyfriend :( Fortunatley I am going to celebrate early. Woohoo!!! Of course birthdays mean going out, drinking, dancing and possibly falling over, so what better to fall over in than a new outfit? Hooray!
Haha wonky or cheesy? I can't do photos.
But how awesome eh? Early birthday present from aforementioned boyfriend, bought for me while we were at Vintage Threads in Manchester. I was having a bad shopping day until someone handed us a flyer for a vintage fair.
And of course I needed new shoes.

I'll get proper non-blurry, akward posed pictures on Saturday I'm sure.
Last year I fell down the stairs and had to hang my shoes on a coat hanger in the cloakroom, so wish me luck this year. Seriously it was painful, I still can't lean on my elbow!


  1. gorgeous! i LOVE the red, not many people can pull it off you know! and those shoes are amazing, they look great with the black tights.
    hope you had/have a good birthday x

  2. Thank you! I have never really worn red and wasn't sure. Especially seeing as when I tried it on there were no mirrors around so I had to rely on my fellas judgement. Turns out he has a good eye! X
