Thursday, 17 December 2009

Christmas Stocking...

I really tried, honest I did. But whilst out getting christmas presents yesterday I stumbled across a pair of the Henry Holland for Pretty Polly tights hidden away in a store. Honestly hidden, in a tiny corner but I found em! I have been wanting these, any of them, since I first spied them on the net and I am ecstatic now I finally own a pair. I also love the fact that I keep seeing people giving me a "OMG shes cmoe out with her suspenders showing" look. Haha in your face boring, conventional tight wearing commuters of Leeds.

P.S. this is not me. My bum is much bigger. ;-)


  1. HOT.

  2. u too have probs with conventional people?
    hah i understand u so
    stockings rock

  3. I just bought some purple ones and the pink colour card ones from tkmaxx yesterday haha

    I shall decide when is best to get those bad boys out
